I am Sammi, the creator and director of Willow & Co Designs. The vision behind creating Willow & Co Designs has always been highlighted in embracing self-development. The growth of yourself as an individual is so important. We all know it's not an easy journey to experience growth ( good and bad days) , building up your mental stability and feeling secure within yourself as an individual.
I have always been so inspired with interior design/home décor and have been blessed with the creative eye. So to create aesthetic designs that have purpose behind them, is my main focus and goal. I really want to impact who I can in a positive way highlighting my creativity and showcase my personality in support to the mental health community. I appreciate you being here in supporting in my dream. It gives me so much pride and joy being able to fulfil an order and give back to you wonderful people!
Much love,
Willowncodesigns x
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